Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Rebecca Flores-Amado: "You inspire me"

Rebecca, like my daughter by the same name, is intelligent, articulate and passionate. It was neat to meet a kindred spirit of the arts, who also has business savvy. She was born and raised in the South Bronx, but relocated to Rhode Island in 1990.

Since moving here, she has become an accomplished mother of two, business woman, writer and artist as well as television host. She is active in both the Latino and African American communities. Her civic accomplishments include graduation from the Cranston Citizens Police Academy and a teacher of art for our younger generation.

Recently, she held a well attended book release and signing of "Elements of Life" where many of Rhode Island's leadership were in attendance. She has another book due out soon and is working on the opening of an art studio - cafe concept in the not too distant future.

No novice to politics she has been involved in several local, state and federal campaigns and agreed to help with mine. The best thing she has done for me is when she told my wife "He inspires me. How can I help?" Well, Rebecca inspires me and I am sure many thousands of women by her courageous and selfless acts.


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