Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Curtis Spence: A Man with a Plan

The first thing that strikes people about Curtis is he's got more soul than there is person and keep in mind this guy knows B-Ball big-time. He coaches for the likes of LaSalle and Prout despite sticking out in these predominantly white schools. I think I felt myself click with Curtis because his compassion for the at-risk youth he coaches in tougher parts of his South Providence community was evident at the annual Team Providence dinner. He loves these kids and they love him. He has almost single-handedly developed the Team Providence program to harness these kids' love for the sport into a get off the streets action to keep them focused on school and a better life. He's candid that there's not pro-ball wealth for most, but they can learn the importance of teamwork and applying themselves. He exudes independence in an easy going way that can hide the fact that he is an entrepreneur and successful businessman with a family. Like me, we struggle with the system that often uses questionable measures of success. Like him, we push on because we are wanting something for our community beyond our own recognition. Hope and support.


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