Monday, December 12, 2005

Robert Hallberg: Hardworking Family Man, Businessman and Educator

I'm grateful for Bob's friendship. We actually met at Bryant at a gathering hosted by former Congressman and Bryant University President Ron Machtley. I had mentioned I was running for State Senate ('04) and then we talked about our business courses and the need to raise our expectations for our children. He has several. Between special needs, sports and other school events, he is always there for his kids. I envy the amount of time and action he takes to be sure every thing they need they get. Bob is active in the Foster/Gloucester community as a soccer coach and works with numerous members of the North Smithfield Chamber of Commerce. He is very popular among his students at Bryant where we have shared our love of business topics with America's future. Generous, warm hearted and industrious, Bob is a salesman at heart and is senior management material. No stranger to local politics, I rely upon his down-to-earth advice and am grateful for his no-nonsense judgment. After all, a guy whose father rubbed elbows with the Walsh-Kennedy family down in Newport has sage things to share and I’m all ears. We are constantly praising the other over how each of us finds the time to do everything we do. Personally, I think he's winning.


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