Thursday, February 09, 2006

Gotta love the ProJo - Sheeler 0%, or one vote at a time

One thing I learned about surveys; especially those where a few television commercials change a person's mind and the survey's results (when no other tangible events have occurred), they're only as good as the questions prepared, asked, answered and by whom.

It's really very scientific, too. 323 respondents with most not responding from what part of the state? Hmmm. We know it was conducted before our "BE PATRIOTIC, IMPEACH BUSH" billboard went up on I-95 and that respondents were "likely" to vote in a primary, but this isn’t the same as actually contacting primary voters. While our own survey indicated a 30% Sheeler vote (not 0%), we at least included a caveat that the results might be biased because we conducted it. Such is politics . . .

I thank the ProJo because it consistently reflects how insipidly low this publication will go to further their cause for their candidate - Lincoln Chafee. Yes, remember that his wife has ties to Belo/ProJo - no impartiality there. Sadly, our local TV networks and weekly papers do little more than follow the ProJo’s lead instead of doing some digging into the survey or some actual investigative journalism as to the numbers and methodology behind the results.

On the other hand, if I accept that 0% is just what it says, then the good news is when I achieve one vote – pretty sure my wife will cast her vote for me – then it'll grow by 100% and then my vote gives me another 100%, you get the idea. It shows I'm the dark horse, political outsider, underdog. I like that because this is who I am fighting for. I wonder why Steve Young was not included since the ProJo reported on his announcement, never mind . . .

My only hope is that the public votes for who they feel will best represent their issues with solid leadership and authenticity. Otherwise they will be wasting their votes on a field of soft candidates whose only claim to fame will be how much money they can collectively spend to convince you they're anything but who they are - more of the same with ProJo's help.


At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so the local rag ignores you and they leave you out of surveys. So what, do you know how many blogs and sites have picked you up in the past week? Let sleeping dogs lie. They can console themselves with their visions of greatness after you slip through the primary.

jack sprat

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need more people that are real patriots and will stand up to the dismantling of our country and freedoms at the hands of the new republican party, led by bush. i don't live in RI, but I'll wear blue on Fridays and hope that one of my elected officials in WA state will have the courage to stand up and say "enough". Up until Bush II I had personally identified myself more closely with what I thought were "republican" ideals - fiscal conservatism, rule of law and the constitution, and protection of our personal freedoms, among other things. Seems those all take a back seat in our fearless leader's illegal quest. Best of luck on your campaign.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Tahoma Activist said...

I'm also from Washington State and we have a guy named Mark Wilson running a campaign very similar to yours. Wouldn't it be cool if the progressive anti-war candidates in America could sign some joint statement or make a public appearance together, to show America that this is more than just politics, it's a movement? Mark's also a former Marine - check him out at

P.S. Where do you stand on a new independent 9/11 investigation? And would you consent to an interview on my blog?


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