Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bush Republican’t. We Can!

Yesterday, United States Attorney General Alberto Gonzales provided damning testimony in response to concerns about the president's domestic spying program. It’s interesting to note Republican U.S. Senator Arlen Spector, who is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary, has plainly stated President Bush violated the law by wire-tapping thousands of innocent Americans, few of whom were actually terrorist suspects. This alone is an impeachable offense. I’m unwilling to wait. You should not either. Act!

As has been the case with other violations of executive authority, the president has acted above our laws – excuses be damned. Requests for documentation are being denied and investigations are being stonewalled. This should cause nonpartisan outrage by the public and members of Congress. It is a continual reminder of how our Constitution has eroded under this administration. It is further evidence that solid leadership and not soft rhetoric is sorely needed. Otherwise, the public’s perception will be that the only time their voice is heard is when the outcome is a sure thing. That’s not leadership!

Our elected officials must understand that leadership is not gaining power through special deals at the exclusion of the public. It's our Senators’ jobs to act as a check on the president's power all the time. If they can't do it, they, or candidates running for office, shouldn't be in Washington. This is how the disconnect between leadership and represented occurs.

Last evening I spoke before a Democratic town committee meeting. I argued that we have to be united and act on absolute convictions of what we know is right and wrong – not just sure things. Anything else provides a watered down result. I was challenged because I had the audacity to question a system that relies on the other side’s losses for us to achieve wins. To lead, we need our own agenda that addresses the public’s needs, fears and hopes, not a select few who confuse being in charge with leading.

I believe the public is inspired to share the responsibility of good government. I am asking for their support to challenge those who take comfort in business as usual.


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