Friday, December 02, 2005

That’s 2,113 lives and counting of my brothers and sisters

“The President, as Commander and Chief of our military, is ultimately responsible for the whole mess in Iraq and the deaths of our troops. He’s responsible for capturing bin Laden. Have we forgotten? What victory is he talking about? This president ignored his own military seasoned Secretary of State. Colin Powell had an explicit doctrine on how to prosecute a war and exit strategy. This administration is lying to the public about the reasons for going to war and why we’re there. It’s unlikely that within a month’s time as many of the Iraq military battalions have gone from inoperable to independent unless their standards have been lowered. I can’t reconcile how the Whitehouse has condoned violations of the Geneva Conventions, while we’re claiming to bring Democracy to Iraq. Many senior advisors have expressed our presence has expanded, not stemmed terrorism and attacks on our young troops. Iraq and Arab leadership have made it clear, they want the U.S. military to withdraw shortly after the December 15 elections, if not sooner. It’s the U.N.’s role to ensure the three distinct factions of Sunnis, Shi’ites and Kurds adhere to this Constitution. A claim of withdrawing 20,000 troops only draws down the increased number recently sent to Iraq for the elections. It’s a political shell game with American lives. That’s 2,113 lives and counting of my brothers and sisters.”


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