Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veteran's Day My Marine Family, Veterans, Active Duty & Citizen Soldiers

Last Evening my wife and I celebrated with about 300 Jarheads the meaning of Semper Fi (Always Faithful). It was the 230th Marine Corps Birthday and it was a nice finish to running the 30th Marine Corps Marathon just two weeks ago in DC with 27,000 runners. What an excellent way to celebrate among my heroes. The birthday is ceremonial with honor guard, then a toast to the living and fallen and among many we have never met but know better than most. We then honored the 20 or more attending WWII veterans who know places like Iwo Jima and Guadacanal. We honored the four Women Marines that were there. I was proud one of them was my wife. We watched as the oldest and the youngest Marines cut the cake, as is tradition. They were 91 and 19, respectively.

We all knew about the privilege of service and the need to protect our troops. We knew about duty whether the attendee was a lance corporal or a colonel. Our duty is to our country and to each other. This is to protect both from harm's way and to always remember those before us and those who follow. If not me, then who, that they are kept safe and fight a war that honors their sacrifice. I want to pay tribute to Marine Lance Corporal Holly Charette and the other seven fallen from Rhode Island. My pledge is to wear my wrist band to honor you and to work diligently to bring your brothers and sisters home. Iraq and Afghanistan are not your home. Your families friends, and neighbors are. Semper Fidelis. I will not forget.


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