Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Couldn't Say it Better Myself

Millions of thanks to those of you who are visiting www.rifuture.org and voting or commenting on my pending candidacy. The last I checked we held 30% of the vote on a five way field with a healthy lead in first place! We have achieved 30 volunteers in the space of as much days and need your help as well. Right now, we want everyone who considers themselves a supporter to contact their friends, families, work associates and neighbors for just ten minutes each day and tell them about our rally and announcement at Hope High School on Tuesday, October 25 at 5:30pm.

Some insight to my speech. I welcome your comments. I am running for U.S. Senate because we need to give a loud voice to Rhode Islanders and our fellow Americans who are against the Bush-Cheney Monarchy and the blood for oil War in Iraq. We demand the return of our troops and our American Dream now. Bush needs to invite his Saudi Prince buddies to the Whitehouse and tell them to defend their own oil with their money and mercenaries, so we can bring our troops home now.

We need to invest those hard earned tax dollars in our domestic prosperity: good education, good jobs, good healthcare and good security. Only when we have a domestic policy that restores the peoples' voice and uses reason and compassion so all residents of our country are treated fairly can we truly develop a solid foreign policy that provides the same. Folks, our foreign policy is a mess; especially, in the middle east.

For over three decades we had a way to extract ourselves from a mess we made by developing a policy around alternative energy reliance. We blew it once. We're watching Bush, Cheney and their oil buddies drill us again using fear as a weapon of mass deception. I am fed up and I'm ready to rumble! Are you?

This is not and should not be the voice of large corporations or of most wealthy or special interests. This is a voice of small business owners. It is a voice of everyday Americans. This is the voice of we the people. It is a voice that can not be heard from the comfort of a sitting position. It is a voice that is heard when you stand up and act on these convictions. I ask for you to act responsibly, but to act with passion and to act now, not just when you're comfortable. Nothing is achieved without some effort. We can do it together, but you must vote. From this day forward a vote for me is a vote against Bush!

I would like to thank "Stephanie" whomever you are and Brian for being such strong supporters.

Stephanie says:
October 17th, 2005 at 12:17 pm

CC, You’re right on several things and way off on others. I expected you to do more than rely on the ProJo to form your opinion.

I support Sheeler because he has an unwaivering support of women and women issues. He has provided considerable contributions to Hillary’s campaign because he believes she or another woman are more than capable of being our President. I like that he does not mix his words and is clearly an advocate for the disadvantaged and underrepresented.

I know he has contributed thousands of dollars to dozens of such humanitarian organizations through his business and family well before ever seeking office.

He has never hidden his bankruptcy and even shared it at his blog. I appreciate this rare honesty and the fact that like most people who declare, it was as a result of medical, legal and/or job loss.

The fact is, he has appeal to many of us because he is self-made and has failed and came back with little use of credit, which I note you conveniently omitted from your comments and were stated in the ProJo article.

Did you know that the majority of self-made millionaires have previously been bankrupt at least once before being successful, if you’re defining success by dollars held. I know I’m not. But facts should not get in the way of judgment, should they?

I’m sure you’d prefer a candidate or incumbent who has only to dip into the trust fund or the family wealth for reserves. We have three on record who have stated they’ll spend what they have to to win. How nice, a politician willing to buy his seat at any cost.

Just look at the way our elected officials spend our money with no regard for fiscal responsibility. It certainly did not stop anyone in Congress from screwing the public when they may be forced to declare bankruptcy in the future. Now if we could see the same standard applied to businesses…

So I guess you would have to condemn the 1.5% of Rhode Islanders who this weekend alone will be filing and the tens of thousands who’ve filed during the past decade, too. For that matter all public companies who were bailed out should also be condemned.

So which is it? If you hold a degree at CCRI or attend Harvard, there’s a direct link to one’s credibility. Do some homework and you’ll find his alma mater is regionally accredited and has always been. The recent Nobel Prize winner for Economics received his degree from CUNY.

While I’m no authority on Sheeler’s education, I did my homework on this fellow. His dissertation was peer reviewed by a Ph.D. who happens to also have been a judge and is the President of University of Phoenix, as well as a fellow graduate; a Ph.D. who is a faculty member at Hofstra, a Ph.D. who is an honored chair of the department of economics at the University of Quebec, a Ph.D. who is a venture capitalist, a Ph.D. who is a 35 year faculty member of Accounting at Ohio State and a 30+ year Ph.D. in Business Education at University of Alabama. Do we impune them, too?

I discovered his dissertation has been accepted and peer reviewed by one of the largest financial associations in the U.S.; the AICPA has published a chapter he has authored as have several chapters by Aspen Law, the primary publisher for most legal treatise.

Damn, just do a key word search on his name or his company’s and look at the number of organizations he has lectured as well as have published his work.

Unless you’re an authority, how do you explain his being recognized as a financial expert in over 100 court cases and depositions and having valued over 700 businesses during the past decade and a half? How do you explain Bryant University recognizing him as the Entrepreneurship Educator of the year in 2005, despite him being adjunct faculty?

So flimsy and credibility might be something I’d apply to your comments and effort. Shame CC. Shame.

crunchyconservative says:
October 17th, 2005 at 1:20 pm

Well, geez, Stephanie, why don’t you tar and feather me and run me out of town! No need to invoke shame, my fellow blogger. I have plenty of that from my Catholic childhood. I simply asked you to explain, and you did. A point of yours well taken: it is not wise to rely on the Projo for information. I know this from experience but forget it in everyday practice at times.

I would love to see someone other than a millionaire seek this senate seat, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I would also love to see a woman run for this senate seat but that isn’t happening either. So I have to evaluate the set of white male millionaires that we have running and pick the one I believe is most principled and most likely to win. I am a pragmatist—I believe we need to get behind the candidate most likely to reclaim the senate for Democrats. After reading your lengthy defense, I still do not believe Sheeler is that candidate. But I will keep an open mind and read what I can to learn more about him.

Thanks for reminding me to do my homework and research outside of the Belo brainwash.

Stephanie says:
October 17th, 2005 at 5:04 pm

Three Hail Mary’s and you’re forgiven, but your logic alludes me. “...candidate most likely to reclaim the seat for Democrats.” Oy vey. So let’s look at S/W, as he has the most bucks…. but he’s a DINO and is not interested in anything other than gaining office and perpetuating the same crap we already have there. I would never back anyone who bailed on the party by not supporting Myrth when he lost the primary. NOw that goes to character.

S/W-lite, M/B, is photogenic, but the depth of his abilities are evident by how much he relies on his “accomplishments” for City Year. Speak to those who “benefitted” and they see him as transparent and bought his way into office. He’s an outsider only because he has shown no allegiance to the Party or those he is purported to represent. Funny how money tends to drown out these character flaws. Bush2 anyone?

The point is we need a NON-Politician, that’s more like one of us, if we’re going to break this bad cycle.

Brian Hull says:
October 17th, 2005 at 10:56 pm

I have to agree with Stephanie. I don’t know as much about Sheeler as she does, as I’ve only met him twice (three times?). He’s a good guy and one that holds the same views as me. I just want to see someone get elected that isn’t some jackass hypocrite. I want someone who will be honest and just say it as it is. Sheeler is that kind of guy. I’m totally in his corner, especially after hearing the other two guys speak. (ugh)

Peace…. Brian


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