Sunday, October 16, 2005

Out there in black and white, the way I like.

First, many kudos to those supporters who showed how important it is to them to keep increase our remarkable first place 50+ person lead among U.S. Senate candidates at Let’s keep the pressure up and increase the word out there that we’re fed up with “vanilla” politicians who have little interest in working families’ concerns.

On a separate note, as many have no doubt read in the Friday Projo, I will be attending a rally and formally announcing my candidacy for U.S. Senate Tuesday, October 25 at 5:30pm at Hope High School. The ProJo had some comments that were somewhat inaccurate or incomplete to sell papers. It did not provide full detail of the military service or business challenges or successes. This is part of the game. I’m drawn to Booker T. Washington’s quote that you may want to share, when things are tough….

“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles one has overcome while trying to succeed.”

The ProJo did not mention that only five credit cards were discharged and these were joint accounts with my “ex” and I. All the other cards balances were paid on time and in full. No other accounts were discharged and were paid in time and in full. The paper did not mention the bankruptcy was on attorney’s advice or that the reasons were a compounding of accrued credit from medical and legal expenses and the reduction of income from relocating my business across country, not some grand spending spree living beyond my means. The marriages I share responsibility for. In my first, my mistress was the Marine Corps and I should have not been married so young; my fault. My second marriage is a different story. Two strong personalities forever clashing, which was okay until the kids were born. We loved as much as fought, but the kids come first and apart we are better friends now and I hope we may always remain so.

It’s been a busy week as I meet with various members of the political, minority, business and social activist communities. There’s the planning of daily activities and meetings that keep me in business from 5am till 10pm on most days. I decompress reading the blogs and note Matt’s supporters are starting to pull the gloves off. Guys, the primaries are still 11 months away! Somewhere I strive to keep my marathon training, running our business and being a father and husband. Bed has never looked so good to me! There I try to squeeze in as much reading as I can stand and watch Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. This weekend we hosted two events showing support for the diversity amongst the Latino communities at The Church of the Messiah and the Holy Ghost Church (both in Providence) and I spoke on two radio talk shows.


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