Monday, October 31, 2005

26.2 miles and Marines are still my heroes

We did it! First, it appears has removed the voting survey for your choice of the next Rhody who'd be U.S. Senator. Before it was removed, we held over 35% of the vote with Brown and Whitehouse head to head with about 19% of the vote each followed by Laffey and Chaffee.

The run was sweet, but it was sweeter to have finished in a decent time. There were 27,000 runners and 1,000's of Marines and spectators along the route in DC. Every water station had at least 20 Marines. This was their 30th anniversary for this marathon. It's been almost 15 years since I ran it. The weather was good and there were hundreds of runners who were with Team in Training, as I was, to run for donors who wanted to find a cure for childhood cancers. All in all it was a good day.

As former Marines, Sara and I will be attending the Marine Corps Ball next week here in Rhode Island, which is a long tradition to celebrate the commitment of Marines to our country. There are over 27,000 Marines deployed in Iraq - mostly with IIMEF. I want to bring them home to be with their families. The latest news concerning Scooter, Ambassador Joe Wilson, and Valerie Plame places light on the lengths the Bush administration would go in order to send our military into war under false pretenses. This is not honorable and it dishonors these heroes who are members of the USMC family as well as all other services.


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