Monday, March 19, 2007

Where do our interests and imagination lie?

On Monday, I removed a leather bracelet from my wrist, which had four knots on it representing each year we’ve been in Iraq. Whether by action or inaction, we, our neighbors and our elected officials are deciding our fates. Expect something better -- now.

Fogged by ideologies ranging from conservative to liberal, the life blood of our political system remains financial; led by interests that are too often self-serving. Filtering out rhetoric noise, our elected are tasked with the collection and allocation of our tax dollars. They respond to their support base. Yet democracy works best when the interests of the greater good are served. Democracy, however, is not a spectator sport where more of our time is spent arguing, complaining and debating than actual candidate selection.

If all politics are local, then change ought to originate there. Property taxes grow higher with 70% or more of these funds going towards education. Digging deeper, we’d find this investment has shifted towards expanded retirements and health benefits. Labor costs don’t end when teachers retire. They compound as new generations replace them.

Now imagine if these dollars had been expended for newer books, expanded educational offerings, building maintenance and extracurricular activities, in addition to educators. The ever-dwindling remainder goes to services such as fire, police and municipalities, with much used to help our seniors. Would it make sense to rehire experienced teacher retirees in their 50’s and 60’s to work part-time to replace full-time teachers who have quit or relocated out-of-state? Imagine the savings. Now imagine other opportunities.

When many of us were still in public school, state and federal income taxes covered much more of the education costs. Corporations also contributed more then, too. This allowed local municipalities to invest in the infrastructure that best addressed local needs and preferences. Maybe it’s time we revisit this alternative.

Have family values morphed into “I got mine… you get yours? Imagine if the playing field had remained level and large corporations were contributing more into the federal system with most providing full retirement and medical as they once did. Imagine if national defense meant being a world leader that applied rigorous diplomacy towards strong alliances to bring change. Imagine if wars against despots and anti-democracy zealots were led by coalitions of nations.

Whose interests are served when our elected trumpet a need for better education, access to quality healthcare and dignity for our seniors when our safety has been hijacked by funding a limited war against an ideology concentrated beyond the borders of Iraq?

Imagine if the truth were told - there are only so many tax dollars and time to either choose a society based upon fear and conflict or one that believes our fate isn’t sealed. Demand federal investment in our health, education and welfare. Imagine if we all did.


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