Friday, September 29, 2006

What if…

…health care was a basic American family right?
…taxpayer paid employee compensation was based on merit?
…elected officials could not accept special interest money?
…we did what was best and not what was necessarily easiest?
…we all voted based upon public good before partisanship?
…the media provided more independent journalistic investigation?
…two years of military or community service was obligatory for all?
…we waged war on human suffering instead of contributing to it?
…we spent funds on defense and not lining contractors’ pockets?
…quality education past high school was a promise?
…“support our troops” meant safety for them and all veterans 365/24/7?
…we spent more time with family/friends and less on labeling others?
…public corporations lost their tax loop holes and paid their fair share?
…we volunteered just two hours a week to a good cause?

So what’s keeping us? Our country used to rank first; from quality of life to freedom and our citizens were engaged in a common struggle – to be the best. The same “stuff” that mobilized our forbearers to come to this country with a dream and hard work is exactly what we need to reestablish leadership in our homes, communities and around the globe. It’s not a sound bite, it’s patriotic and common sense.


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