Thursday, November 09, 2006

100 first days "wish list" for Democrat Congress

I commend both Sheldon Whitehouse and Senator Lincoln Chafee for their valiant efforts to provide public service to our state. Now that the votes are cast and election decided, Chuck Collins' outline provides an excellent plan for our 111th Democratically controlled Congress in '07.

1. Hearings on war profiteering.
2. Hearings on Executive Branch misconduct.
3. Hearings on oil industry influence.
4. Hearings on poverty - living/low wages
5. Hearings on taxpayer big oil/coal subsidies
6. Hearings on executive fiduciary duties/CEO pay.
7. Hearings on solutions to wealth disparity.
8. Hearings on anti-trust enforcement.
9. Hearings on expanding health care coverage.
10. Hearings on the care of Iraq War veterans.

While we’re addressing accountability, imagine if we had the will to pursue this in Rhode Island with our statewide elected officials and political appointees. This is clearly an area where the character and conviction of our incumbents ought to be highlighted, showcased or chastised. Otherwise, the impending under-funded pension issue will come to the forefront as a battle of taxpayer tolerance and fiscal responsibility.

I see this issue and increased college/votech financial aid as ones where our efforts could galvanize Rhode Island’s all too often disenfranchised youth into becoming more engaged to protect their future. Perhaps the connection between funds going to Halliburton versus our communities is also a “progressive” issue that need not be a partisan one.


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