Long-shot anti-war, anti-Bush US Senate candidate Carl Sheeler gave U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) the nod over his Democratic primary rival Sheldon Whitehouse.
“In the Marines and the business world, character counts for a lot. It’s why we’re supposed to protect whistle blowers. We learned about Abu Grahib because a young troop spoke up. The same thing happened with Enron. It’s why we traditionally honor people who, while in the minority against all odds and at great personal expense, stand up for the greater good. Many worship Jesus for this reason. Even organized labor started in the minority to fight for an almost non-existent middle class. But regardless the party or the cause, power can and does corrupt. We see it in Rhode Island and we see it in D.C.
“I discussed this decision with folks like Democratic Party Vice Chair Joe DiLorenzo and former U.S. Senate candidate and Congressman Bob Weygand (D-RI). Our campaign was very public about withdrawing from Iraq well before it was popular. We called for replacing American troops with a Euro-Arab coalition. Chafee was the sole Republican senator to oppose the war and shares my solution of bringing Middle East stability. That takes leadership and character. While I commend his current position, my former opponent shifted where he stood on Iraq. It strikes me as politically expedient. I disaffiliated from the Republican Party as protest to Bush’s irresponsible fiscal policy and War in Iraq. I asked our Democratic lead General Assembly to hold Bush accountable, which they were unwilling to do. It’s not lost on me that the DNC/DSCC tried to recruit Chafee; especially, after he wrote in George H. W. Bush’s name for president in 2004. I say vote the person, not the party. I may not agree with Chafee on all matters, but I trust him.”
Carl, you'll probably censor this comment, but all I can say is, shame on you. As if Chafee's write-in vote for George H. W. Bush in 2004 is a positive reason to re-elect him as our Senator! This Washington Post piece draws a clear distinction between the meaningless of that vote of Chafee's, compared to his much more relevant vote for Republicans to organize the Senate and set its agenda. Anyone who truly cares about stopping Bush, stopping the Iraq war, investigating the lies that got us into this war, and getting moderate judicial appointees for the next two years, will support Whitehouse over Chafee. It's that simple.
Candidly, anyone who remains lockstep with their party or puts themselves before the people is not a candidate who I will support. Would you expect if there is a majority of Democrats in 2006 for Sheldon to ever support a GOP leader? Firing Chafee because many of our elected within the Democratic party failed to have a backbone to oppose this president is a questionable rationale. That GOP majority was also duly elected as well - right or wrong. Those who have failed to serve their constituents will hopefully be replaced. I know enough about both of their pasts to be comfortable with my decision. As to my resolve - I ran, I spent considerable resources and remained true to my purpose. I also don't select parts of a statement to bolster my position. I look at the whole picture and then decide. I've never censored a comment and defend your right to disagree. I'll provide the same degree of respect you have given as well.
I agree with Sheeler! Caricature over politics any day. How many times do democrats vote straight democratic party line, not many if this where the case we would have more straight column votes and we don't see them.
So yes on caricature and trust. Let's face it Sheldon's record has more blanks than checks. What has he really accomplished as AG ? nothing!!
His own political motivation will in the end kill us here in RI, he will vote straight party line as he already said in public.
So ask yourselves, Do I want a US Senator who will vote straight party line regardless which party they are in?
Do I a US Senator who will blindly follow there party regardless what we say here in RI simply to get along, move up and be a good old boy?
Do I a US Senator who will look at the issues, listen to his constituents, weigh all sides, and then vote with his conscience and heart?
I say caricature, heart and conscience over party loyalty every day. This democrat will also vote for Chafee over Whitehouse and so will many of my democrtaic friends.
"I say vote the person, not the party."
Carl, if you feel this way, then why did you run as a Democrat, rather than as an independent?
Party does matter. The modern Republican party is rotten through and through. If Chafee chooses to remain aligned with the party of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, and Jack Abramoff, that also says something about his character.
Jim Jeffords couldn't stay in that party, and neither could Jim Webb, and neither could you. If Lincoln Chafee were the man of character you say he is, neither would he.
At this point in history, ignoring party affiliation is, well, ignorant. Republicans control the White House, the Senate, the House and the courts. There are no checks and balances in Washington. Senator Chafee is part of the problem in Washington.
Quoting another Washington Post op-ed piece:
"Indeed, it was precisely the Republicans' success at defeating the centrist and center-right Democrats in the South over the past two decades that has driven the GOP steadily rightward. And for all their protestations of moderation, the northern Republicans -- from Susan Collins to Lincoln Chafee to Rep. Chris Shays -- abetted that transformation. While some of them may have favored raising the minimum wage, all the Republican moderates in the House voted for rules that prohibited the Democrats from bringing a minimum-wage hike to the floor unless, as their Republican leaders dictated, it was linked to other provisions (such as a permanent repeal of the estate tax) that would doom it in the Senate. While they may have harbored doubts about the wisdom of the president's course in Iraq, their party conducted no oversight hearings."
We must elect Sheldon Whitehouse, not only because he is a good man and a public servant of integrity, but also because we must rid Washington of corrupt one-party Republican rule.
I accept your logic and wonder why given the quality of elected leadership majority in this state that more are not Independent... which goes to show there are too sides to your position and perhaps some bias to boot. I also choose to refrain from selective memory suggesting such behavior exists in only one party. When there was a Democratic majority before 1994, why did we not have universal health care and why were social security, job growth and fair wages not addressed? Character and public interest above personal, party or special interests . . . I would have preferred if Chafee had run as an Independent, then I would not have run and he would have been won easily with Laffey and Whitehouse pummeling each other.
Using that argument applies to the abuses of power here in RI, too. No? So long as it's a "D" it does not matter is the crux of your argument. Works for you. That's fine.
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