Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Tribute To Jim Spooner's Mom and all of The Mothers Out There

Maybe I'm waxing poetic after attending the state annual meeting for the National Organization of Women (NOW) or taking my nine year old son out to pick some flowers for his mom, but I think it something more.

I never met Jim Spooner's Mom, but I suspect this tribute is fitting. What do we say about a woman who raises a good son? This son served honorably in the military and is active in his community and politics for over 49 years. This son who alone had the courage among 300 people to express his convictions before many of his peers and openly pronounce his support for my U.S. Senate candidacy knowing full well the deciding had been done long before the event ever took place. That's a mom who raised her boy right to be a passionate man who knows his own mind. I can only hope all five of our kids come out this well.

I want to pay tribute to every mother out there whose son and/or daughter is serving in our military and a special thank you for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice by losing a son or daughter. A special honor goes to those mothers in the armed services who may occasionally face the Neanderthal attitude, "if the military had wanted you to have a child we would have issued you one." A special acknowledgment to all the single moms who incredibly manage to raise their kids and juggle the challenges that seem almost too much for even those who enjoy a dual parent household. A special kind word to those moms who somehow balance work and all the domestic duties that call on you 24/7. Your children are well fed, healthy, happy, clean, schooled and capable of thriving in today's challenging world.

Certainly not least, a final tribute to those moms whose maternal instincts to make the world a bit safer, smarter, healthier and more compassionate place when men might forget just why we do what we do. May we honor you for everything you do everyday. Happy Mom's Day.


At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know foster, adoptive and step moms are also highly worthy of our thanks. They care for children who were not biologically theirs and often have the struggles of providing love when the response can occasionally be defiant.

Having personal experience with these situations, my full appreciation goes to that which you choose to do so well. Thanks.


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