Saturday, May 06, 2006

Why I'm running

My closest friends know me as somewhat introverted. In many ways this is just the opposite of a federal office candidate where the public and media often weigh in on every comment and word. It seems contrary to the image of a Marine combat officer and a public speaker. No doubt the silver lining is a degree of personal humility and empathy towards others.

The public loves winners. They also love underdogs. It's understandable. I strive to do my best every time. Hypocrisy occurs when we expect something that exceeds our own humanity. We should not be disappointed or surprised when many of those who run for and hold elected office are so quick to tell us what we want to hear and not take the promised action. Why can they do this? They often know they're not held accountable.

My favorite analogy is of the wealthy person who is complimented for hitting a home run when he started on third base. And the poor kid who after much hard work cracks one out of the ball park. The later reflects often reflects our hopes and dreams and sense of fairness.

I'm running and it's the hardest thing I've ever done. It strains our personal finances because I also work as a small business owner to pay for the same bills (health insurance, mortgage, car payments, student loans, food and gas) that most everybody else does. It reduces the quality time I have with my wife and kids to make sure they're doing well in school and extracurricular activities. In a way, that is sort of the point. How many of us are not strained or concerned for our futures and/or that of our kids whether we're 18 or 58?

I'm running, because like going into the Marines, I see serving my nation again as my patriotic duty. We're a nation off course. Intuitively, I know I have the tools, humility and wisdom for public service. I have had some tough breaks and good fortune. Sometime in our lives we need to start thinking about making sure the elevator goes all the way down so it raises others up. I think many of us have had enough with politics as usual that have put our families and future at risk and are looking for the nobility of good government of and for the people.

My hope and dream for America is that we will again embrace the dream of a better life for our families, faith and our flag. It starts by knowing that the good and decent and hardworking among us, no matter what walk of life, can represent the majority - not only those of means who more often than not have done a very, very poor job of representing us. We deserve better.


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