Monday, March 27, 2006

An Extended Hand to Matt Brown's Volunteers

The clouds over Matt's campaign would likely have soon passed, but for two errors: (1) His media blitz ended with a pledge to bring campaign reform to the political process and (2) Not immediately addressing any seemingly questionable contribution practices alleged by the media.

As the least financed, under-dog in our democratic three-way primary for US Senate, I understand the challenges of how the need for raise funds to increase public awareness becomes more consuming than meeting with the public and discussing their concerns.

Arguably, many campaigns are measured by who raises the most money to make media buys for 30 second sound bites. Sadly, big business media has eroded American politics. Obviously, it has less to do with who is most sincere, hardworking or accessible.

Should Matt make the decision to discontinue his campaign, we would like to extend our hand to his loyal volunteers who want to work with local staff, not DC outsiders. If you want to help bring about a timely end to the Iraq War, while remaining strong on national security, please consider our campaign. Our campaign has a big heart for seniors, women and equality issues while being well grounded in the daily challenges of being a middle class family with the values of hard work and faith.

All of these issues, as well as the environment, education, energy and health care, require common sense solutions that our volunteers often bring.


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