Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Did you get the survey call?

This is Sara. I usually leave the blogging to Carl but wanted to share a few thoughts. Remember the ill-fated Brown University "survey" back in the beginning of February? For those of you with better things to do than keep back issues of the ProJo, here is a link to the story. According to the results, Carl received 0% of the vote. I wonder if anyone at the paper thought to ask about the methods and/or questions asked during the survey. At the time, I was glad that they cut Carl out of the results completely (ever heard of a monkey vote?) rather than giving him 1%- 2% as a door prize vote. The establishment must be very very afraid of him to pretend he doesn't exist.

Yesterday one of our campaign staffers spoke with two people today by phone about our upcoming fundraiser. Both of these people just happened to receive calls and participated in the Brown University Survey. One of them is a native English speaker and she says that Carl Sheeler was not mentioned in any of the questions. The second person speaks English as a second language and kept asking the survey caller about Carl but was ignored.

Do a search at the ProJo for Bakst articles; lots of Whitehouse and Brown, nary a Sheeler (Father Knows Best?). You can also rummage through the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s website. Carl used to be listed there along with the other two Democratic candidates, but has mysteriously disappeared. It should be noted that that several local papers such as the Coventry Courier, Warwick Beacon, Woonsocket Call and Pawtucket Times do a great job of covering ALL of the U.S. Senate candidates.

Not all voters are going to pull the lever for Carl Sheeler. But shouldn’t they make that decision for themselves instead of letting the Democratic Party or the media do it for them?

letters@projo.com letter to the editor, Providence Journal
info@dscc.org contact for Democrfatic Senatorial Campaign Committee
dwest@insidepolitics.org Darrell West, Inside politics (Brown Univ. Polls)

Be well,



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