Sunday, August 21, 2005

Action based on facts and character, not rhetoric..........

I don't care if Matt Brown followed my lead on troop withdraw in Iraq (and Afghanistan). If Cindy Sheehan, Matt and anybody else are able to reach the public and they respond, it still accomplishes what I set out to do.... save lives and redirect our taxpayer dollars and priorities to domestic issues. It's only the beginning of the long list of what we need here in America. I also agree with Matt that leadership is lacking by most politicians.

I'd be curious if Matt, Sheldon, Stephen or Linc Chafee would join me in a true demonstration of leadership. Most political observers agree our democracy has been corrupted when the voters' voices come only after those of special interest lobbyists and the wealthy. This would not be the case with simple reforms that have already been enacted in Maine and Arizona.

If we want to learn what the voters really think and respond accordingly, elected officials have to be removed cold turkey from the campaign funding trough that many hold in disdain but are nevertheless addicted to and often corrupted by. I submit I will be standing alone in this appeal for reform that would have an enormous impact on our nation. Could you imagine what it would be like to have an authentic values charter where universal healthcare and the opportunity of upward mobility were the norm? That's American leadership and democracy in action!

We in Rhode Island seem to have a very low opinion of many of our incumbent state representatives, but they have the financial war chests to leverage their media message. So the second issue is allowing each candidate equal air time (televised, radio and print), but that means media would lose the billions in advertising revenue. Where's the incentive other than the public's interest? This could be cured if when we file our annual state and federal income tax returns filers have the option to contribute up to $300 for campaigns. These monies would then be made equally available to state and federal candidates so they could get their message to the public. It certainly would allow for a more qualified pool of, for and by the people and undoubtedly increase voter turnout. I'm staking my livelihood on this belief.

I think most Rhode Islanders resent Matt, Sheldon or Stephen's critiquing of Chafee. That's not leadership. Give due where it's deserved. Chafee had the guts to be the sole GOP member to vote against the War in Iraq and he also voted against the Bush tax cuts, which would have benefited RI'ers and him, personally. I understand his position on Bolton and Roberts. I would never have supported Bolton, but not unlike Senator Reed we have to wait to see what the undisclosed legal documents say about Roberts leanings on rights indicate.

I think the real issue is that we know so little about what Chafee proactively supports -- only the politically motivated financial handouts received. But this is fairly true of most politicians based upon their level of clout (tenure and influence). I believe his "waffling" is a product of being beholden to special, corporate and wealthy interests mentioned above and some really poorly written bills. What he seems to lack is the conviction to vigorously act on the things he believes Rhode Islanders want and then doesn’t make these actions (his proposed bills and voting record) something RI natives could readily evaluate. It's not enough to drive a Prius, if you're not initiating a bill to reduce our dependency on foreign oil and publicly condemning the energy industry rip off of our tax dollars and payments at the pump, much less what will happen when we try to heat our homes this winter. He is not his father and "W" is not his either.

The amusing thing about all of this... Many I have spoken with would've bet the farm that if Chafee had chosen to run as a Democrat, his reelection would have been almost assured and Sheldon would be running for Governor in a primary against Charley Fogarty. After all, isn't an executive office what he had craved just a few years ago? Where would that have left Matt and de Ramel?

Bottom line, Democratic candidates have to stop acting like "Republican-lites" and show conviction that is followed by visible action, not chicken hawk posturing.


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