Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Wasted Vote in RI’s U.S. Senate Democratic Primary

Not all media outlets or wealthy candidates are bad. Some really care and believe in fair play. The Democratic National Committee has a slogan, “The road to security – begins with the truth.” I couldn’t agree more. The truth is that media has a responsibility to its shareholders. Is it detrimental to equal and accurate candidate coverage? Arguably, the media has a significant role in name recognition, candidate viability and polling numbers.

Campaigns are big business. The campaign war chest laden for the Lamont – Lieberman brawl in neighboring Connecticut made news and sold lots of advertising. It forced each candidate to spend millions to craft their image and message. The media is the beneficiary. It helps explain why before character or intelligence, the candidate’s bankroll size is publicly weighted so heavily by media. Media will argue money is a measure of the candidate’s viability. I’d counter – viability to whom? This position favors the wealthy and those beholden to special interests’ funds. It certainly isn’t democracy. What of grassroots efforts?

Here in Rhode Island, the Chafee-Laffey primary is the GOP version of the Connecticut battle. By omission the media has left voters with the impression Sheldon Whitehouse is the general election contender against the Republican primary winner. Unchallenged, the establishment party machine plays on this inaccurate perception. This permits the Whitehouse campaign to morph its image by using the best ideas of other candidates.

It’s no wonder why the primary and even general elections have increasingly low voter turnout. What of fact above perception? I’d argue that to a degree the media shares responsibility. Debates are a perfect example. On at least six occasions, Sheldon Whitehouse has declined media invitations to a primary debate. The media could have called his bluff. Hold the debate whether he shows or not. Media acquiesced each time.

Voters are intelligent, but they’re rightfully cynical. They don’t have the power to gain the same special access afforded to wealthy $1,000 contributors. Their power is making solid decisions based on media controlled information. Their power is in their numbers. Will media wait to cover past A/G deals and ethical lapses? This assures another GOP win.

Over 50% of Rhode Island voters are Independents. They’re interested in the candidate more than partisan politics. Those age 55+ are 25% of our population, but they dominate primary voter turnout. Those with 15+ years until retirement worry about education, energy, employment and economic issues. They feel real threats to their eroding retirement security and health care. These issues are not experienced by wealthy politicians. Media is complicit in creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of these prepackaged candidates. We want enduring relationships with working Senators. We must ignore “one night stand” campaign promises. We need to trust our votes to candidates who are “of, for and by the people”.


At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are absolutely 100% correct!! No American should waste there vote by sitting home and not voting in the primary.

I was just talking with a Senior, she stated that she never votes in the primaries and did not really understand why there where primaries anyway.

I asked her who she liked? Her reply was "Carl Sheeler" !! I explained that she had to vote in the primary for Carl or his name might not appear on the November ballot. She still did not understand why she had to vote in the primary until I spent about 30 minuets showing her the process on paper.

This very nice grandmother then explained that she had been voting for over 55 years and had never voted in a primary. "This explains why some of my best candidates are not in the general elected" she stated. "All these years and I was never explained that this was the way it was" "I will definitely vote in this primary and so will my friends"

So you see sometimes we waste our votes by not voting and we do not even know. Remember every vote counts.

Good luck Carl, we are all puling for you to win!


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