Thursday, July 21, 2005

Toe's not in water...just jumping in

Have you ever had that kind of queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach? It's like when you knew you were ready to leave home for the first time - but were you? Yep, you got it. Like this morning (4am), I have that feeling. There's an exciting edge, too. Technology might help you and me make a difference or as my "ex" once shared, it could feel pretty harsh.

So here's a glimpse of what my last day or two was like, as many want to peer into what is this Sheeler character doing -- thinking like he can run for U.S. Senate. Sorry, if I leave something out or it's a bit jumbled. It's still early. I ran with Kristin. She's kind of a neat lady. She's a running maniac. Works in a doctor's office. I can't really keep up with her. She joined TNT-Leukemia Society a year or two back. She wanted to lose weight. Used to carry an extra 100 pounds or so if I remember right. I'm trying to lose weight, too and I always have found running has helped. Anyway, she likes to talk about her kids and work and it makes the miles go.

When I get home, Sara usually has the bad brown stuff (coffee) waiting when I get the papers for us to read. We usually talk about work, the campaign or just small talk.

This week I don't have the kids. My "ex" Sheri has them for two weeks and then we rotate during the summer. Rebecca's got a fever from camp, but when I talked to her and Sheri last night she sounded like she was feeling better. I ran into Erik and Sheri last night at Hollywood video. I was trading in some videos and it seems most Sheri's never seen, so she took them instead. I like it when we get along. Jill, her little daughter, loves to play with me. Cute kid.

I had just come from Richmond. Tom Dufficy had invited me at their Town Democratic Committee meeting. Honestly, I thought I was going just to chat and reacquaint myself with these folks from last year. I admired their coordination and efforts with many of them running for town offices. I missed Joe Reddish and Pat DeBernardo. They were "real" guys. I admire Joe because there's not too many African Americans in South County and he's just a regular guy. Pat reminds me of NY. Straight talking, hard working big forearms type. He's the kind of guy you know would watch your kids or help stack firewood if you weren't feeling well.

Anyway, there was only a few guys there when I showed up. I just reintroduced myself and asked them to fire away, if they wanted me to share something in particular. I expected they were curious. My sense of the meeting was some of these folks were really worried about what was going on in their lives, politics or economics. Some just looked at me as a non-player, but I was encouraged, because some wanted to know where I was coming from. Can't ask for more than that, huh.

So, I started with my pitch of sorts. I first said, it's too early to ask for anyone's endorsement. Hell, there's 18 months before now and the elections! I'm amazed there are some committees and people who have already announced their support for a candidate. Chafee has NARAL. Sheldon has a bunch of towns. Makes me wonder about the "politics" on that one. I'm less sure about Brown. It seems like the blogs and paper I read that people are coming and going in that campaign like a revolving door.

"The Marines teach us that we don't leave anyone behind. I think elected officials are supposed to feel the same way. We're in this soup because for the most part we're being left behind - economically, socially.... " I said. Running for U.S. Senate is a huge step. I don't take lightly. I chose to because I thought the common guy is getting raked over. It seems so obvious why to me.

I got jammed by one guy. Who's the common guy? I said "its any household that is earning less than $125k a year". I think that's about 95% of us. The reason so many of us either get pissed or apathetic about politicians is its become a money game. Money means influence and power. Just take a look at whose making the big dollar contributions and whose receiving them. Is it any wonder why "there's two Americas"? I asked for them to take a look at the early race so far and every one looks at whose raised how much assuming the reporting is accurate. It's almost like who's the biggest kid on the block.

In America over 60% of contributions are from the top 1.5% of our population. These folks saved a lot more than my average $350 tax credit. I think the number is like $38,000. Makes me feel like a schmuck.

Stay on message Carl. Couldn't. We talked about why I thought we need to turn our attention to the military and veterans. I didn't want to happen what went wrong in Vietnam. It's not a conventional war after we defeated the Iraqi's. The war was bullshit. That doesn't mean the troops weren't doing an honorable job. When I was in, you do what you're told. That's how it works. Seems to go better when there's a plan and truth. What gets me steamed is we're taking about lives and resources and deception. Before Oklahoma did we know what that American bread terrorist looked like or Waco? Does it mean all Muslims are fanatics? Do we know which ones are by looking at them? Can we possibly kill them all? Are most of them in Iraq? No.

The poor gals and guys who are going to pull three and more tours are going to need some serious support. It's bad enough of VA missed the boat on what the numbers were going to be and half of these 160,000 are national guard and reservist. Once they get released from service, if they're not broken physically many are going to be broken mentally. The ripple effect on our families will be dramatic. I don't want to see one third of our homeless being Vets the way it was after Vietnam.I said so what do you think our other fine candidates know about this. Maybe they're reading ths and will start changing their policy platforms! Great. Let's create more awareness.

Sheldon had his supporters there. But why do we have to have a primary? The Republicans won't. I said if Brown and Whitehouse don't clobber each other, I said it won't make a difference. They said, but they will. I said, then maybe they ought to be considering what the Independent voters are thinking. That's usually the folks who are going to decide the general election. Let's face it, lots of folks think he's likeable. Democrats see it from the party position. That's fine. I agree we need balance in government. Take a look at our own general assembly.

So we're looking at the real likelihood of two judges picked by Bush and the possibility of rights being turned back. That scares the crap out of me. I said if Chafee had conviction, it would be a close race in 2006. But his loyalty is so unclear.

But Sheldon has a plan..... I said has he posted that plan or is he refining it with you guys? Six different issues. Christ sake. Okay you're all handsome and I'll make you rich. Got vote?! They were all the cotton ball, fluffy issues that pollsters are trying to flush out so you're told what you want to hear. My campaign will not have pollsters, because better you know how I feel instead of me losing my credibility by telling you what I think you want to hear. Why do you think you distrust politicians? One of them boldly pointed out he'll get more mileage because favors are made in both directions. Yeah, favors that are for you and me?

I don't know Sheldon very well. I've seen him come and leave an event in 15 minutes and shake the paws of whomever he's told to shake and he leaves. That doesn't strike me as the common man candidate. I want to know the owner of the paws I shake. Maybe can't meet the number of people, but you can certainly know a bit about them. More genuine to me.We talked about fuel prices at the pump and what will happened to home heating if it reaches $3.00 a gallon. I went into a discourse about the global economy, China, Walmart, limited resources and just how this is exactly why the "little guy" gets hosed because unless you know what it's like to have to cough up an extra grand or two a year on fuel on a tight budget. I have talked to some pretty bright guys about this and its got to be made more important. My job.

Anyway, there is probably more I forgot, but the balance of my day was working doing what I do to pay my bills, which is valuing businesses and writing up reports to make attorneys and accountants and their clients know what these puppies are worth. We talked about the meet and greet at my place on August 6 and reaching out to the military, Latinos and just the regular folks.... Email lists, phone calls, letters... plan, plan, plan. Yep a great way to fill a 15 hour day.

That morning I spoke to John Robinson. He crashed at my home last evening. He was John Edwards' Deputy Campaign Manager. I think he wants to work with Trippi and Hillsman to give our campaign some legs. We spent the better part of Wednesday just driving around Rhode Island and taking about local and national politics and just how scary things seem to be getting.

The thing that's hard is all of this costs some big bucks and we have to conserve. I have a great little crew. A good friend and retired fireman, Billy; Kristin and Bennett, two of my honors students from Bryant; and Maryelyn whose been a dream getting me in to see the minority community. What a great bunch of people. Sara is always there. She's our web guru and facilitator and cheerleader. She keeps things on even keel. Me, I just plan, analyze and do. I could sum up much of my adult life like that.....

Enough rambling..... time to get the sneakers on and start my day

return to my website:


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Pokerbear said...

Mr. Sheeler, I have looked at your website and heard your message, you are truly my kind of candidate. I have written an article on my blog encouraging my readers to visit your website and get involved in taking our country back. Good luck in your campaign


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